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  Kenya, Kabare PB

  • Country: Kenya

  • Region:Kabare, Gichugu, Kirinyaga

  • Producer: Various Regional Growers

  • Variety: Arabica Varietals SL28, SL34

  • Process:  Washed 

  • Elevation: 1700-1800 MASL

  • Cupping notes: Yellow Peach, Caramel, Black Cherry

The Kabare Farmers Cooperative Society, based in the Kirinyaga District on the slopes of Mount Kenya, represents about 1,000 smallholder farmers. Each farmer cultivates around 250 coffee trees on half-acre plots in mineral-rich soil. The coffee cherries are hand-picked for optimal ripeness, then processed at a local wet mill. After washing, the beans undergo a long freshwater soak to enhance Kenyan coffee's signature flavors. Drying takes about two weeks on raised beds, ensuring proper air circulation. Before export, the beans are milled, sorted by screen size, and graded based on size and shape.